The Heart scripture

The most important scripture in Ajah Dharma is the words held within the lotus of the heart…. when an individual trys to read the scripture of the heart, one speaks Gibberish (this is the same phenomenon as found in Pentecostal churches, as speaking in Tongues).

Through mystical and spiritual knowledge anyone can translate the words of the heart into the language that the individual speaks, for example Latin, Sanskrit, Tibetan, or English…

This is how all the worlds scripture is written, the mind hears the truth of the heart(the self) and translates it into revelation…Written scriptures are books where we get a lot of Knowledge and Inspiration from. God can be found with in the heart and speaks to us the truth and deep down we always know the truth. The word of Ajah is written in our hearts and this quality is used when reading scriptures to decide what feels like truth and what does not.

I read my heart and I can best translate the scripture of the heart as;

Peace, Love, Compassion, Humility, and Integrity.

you can say it a million different, ways but this is the truth of Love.

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