Ajah Talk: God and god

In Ajah Dharma God is often thrown around, first off in the most basic sense God is the supreme without equal..

In Ajah Dharma “God” with a capital “G” is the unified absolute of the universe. It is without attributes and is therefore very impersonal to the Jiva(individual).

  • Ajah, the one thing
  • Energy
  • Brahman of Hinduism
  • the Tao in Taoism
  • the Universe in New Age thought
  • the Dharmakaya in Tibetan Buddhism
  • Buddha-Nature In Zen
  • Weheguru of the Sihks
  • the Unknowable God  of the Gnostics
  • Dryghten in Wicca
  • the Monad in Greek Philosophy

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.”  -Lao Tzu

However god with a lower case “g” is an illusionary character, a mind & body expression of the one energy, often called a diety. the diety can appear as any infinit number of forms such as gods, angels, totem animals, etc. They are a dualistic expression of the one reality and so can be understood as the higher self as all separation is an illusion conjured by the mind. Ajah Dharma teaches that when a Jiva(individual) thinks of Ajah, the Supreme Cosmic Spirit is projected upon the limited, finite human mind and appears as a diety. Therefore, the mind projects human attributes, such as personality, motherhood, and fatherhood on the Supreme Being. An interesting metaphor is that when the “reflection” of the Cosmic Spirit falls upon the mirror of the mind, it appears as the Supreme Lord. Ajah is not thought to have such attributes in the true sense. However it is very helpful to project such attributes onto Ajah. This is also known as a personal deity.

“Therefore all things of the universe worship Tao and exalt Teh.” — Lao Tzu

In Taoist terms it means that Ajah(Tao) is worshiped though dualistic expression or distinction(Teh)…


On that note someone said that God is not real and is only a projection of our higher self… This is a common Buddhist perspective.

This is incorrect. Because the lesser comes from the higher, God is not fictional, you are, and for any who would ask this question or draw this conclusion. I’d say that God is the only real thing and anything, including you is false.

Then on the other side of the spectrum you have Hindus who believe this truth but deny the existence of the world, this is also incorrect as all matter is the one body of the one God. The worlds real, however our perception of it is an illusion.

just remember

Matter/Female – the body of God

collective-awareness/Male – the Soul of God

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